Plastic Wrap IGB Lab Special Instructions Landfill IGB LAB USERS ONLY: Place in designated bins in the lab labeled: Special Recycling – Plastic Film Note: NO cellophane-type materials. Cellophane should be placed in the trash. Ways to Reduce Use Reusable Containers Instead Whenever possible, use reusable containers instead of wrapping up food in plastic wrap. Did You Know? What's in Your Plastic Wrap? Many companies have stopped making their plastic wrap from PVC (plastic #3), and have instead switched to LDPE (plastic #4). PVC is thought to be the less healthy choice because this plastic contains toxic plasticizers like DEHA, which can migrate into food. Saran Wrap recently switched to LDPE, which made their new plastic wraps chlorine-free. SC Johnson, who manufactures Saran Wrap, say they made this change because they strive to use environmentally-responsible ingredients.