Light Bulbs (Fluorescent / CFL)

Alternative ways to recycle
Illegal in Garbage & Drains
Hazardous Waste

Submit a General Work Request. Under Charge Details, check “Building Repair Service.” For Type of Service, select “Electrical Lighting.”

Never Throw in the Trash

Fluorescent light bulbs contain mercury, which is a hazard for your health and the environment. Never throw them away.

Alternative Ways to Recycle


Bring in to Lowe's

Lowe’s accepts rechargeable batteries and CFLs at any of their store locations for free recycling. Find the nearest store.

Did You Know?

Which Bulbs Are More Energy Efficient Than Incandescent Lamps?

LED lights are more energy efficient than incandescent and CFL bulbs: they last 50 times as long as traditional incandescent bulb and use 80 percent less energy. Fluorescent bulbs last three to 25 times longer than incandescents and use anywhere between 20 and 80 percent less energy.